Can we succumb to daily sweetness without compromising a slimming objective? Between the fear of gaining weight and guilt, the question divides. However, experts have a clear answer on this subject and probably not the one you expect.
To be tempted every day by a square of chocolate while following a strict diet … Is it possible? The sweet taste is one of our preferences from birth. According to a study by the University of Cambridge, this attraction would even be a biological heritage, encouraging humans to favor foods rich in energy. But can this natural predisposition slow down your weight loss? Official recommendations, such as those of the World Health Organization (WHO), advise limiting sugars added to 10 % of daily energy intake, or even 5 % for additional health and weight control. In addition, according to a series of works, published in the journal Obesityultra-transformed foods, often rich in sugars and fats, would modify the mechanisms of hunger and promote overconsumption. An uncontrolled consumption of sweets, therefore, likely to slow down a slimming process and to accelerate the storage of fats, especially if the caloric intake exceeds daily needs.
Dietitians therefore agree on one point: everything is a matter of balance. “What matters is the overall diet. A square of chocolate or a portion of ice are nothing dramatic if they are integrated into a varied and balanced diet”explains the nutritionist Sarah Jenkins. In other words, if the food day is dominated by little processed foods rich in fibers, a small sweetness will not compromise your line. Conversely, an excess of sweet products can support glycemic peaks and uncontrollable cravings, making weight stabilization more difficult. In this context, excessive deprivation can be counterproductive. According to a study published in Appetiteprohibiting certain foods would increase their desirability and could cause episodes of food compulsions. “Restressing yourself too severely creates a Yo-Yo effect. It is better to allow yourself small pleasures rather than risking cracking in large quantities later”, Add Sarah Jenkins.
Thus, rather than consuming sweets mechanically, specialists recommend that they fully appreciate them, without guilt. Eat slowly, favor homemade desserts with quality ingredients and choose healthier options like dark chocolate can help better control calorie intake without frustration.
As you can see, contrary to popular belief, eating a sugar factory every day is not a bad habit in itself, even with a goal of weight loss. It all depends on the overall context of food.