A surprising trend emerges in several cities in France. Before saying “Yes!” Before the mayor, the bride and groom must now get their hands on the wallet.
Traditionally, marriage to the town hall is a public service that the Republic offers its citizens for free or for a minimal sum, generally covering administrative costs or small expenses related to the ceremony. However, things change for certain municipalities. Indeed, several town halls are now claiming a substantial amount of money, up to up to 1,000 euros, before proceeding to celebrate marriage. This new practice raises many questions and causes strong reactions among future spouses.
In some cities, even before fixing the date, couples are informed of this additional financial charge. This is the case of the municipalities of Cannet in the Alpes-Maritimes, Pontoise in Val-d’Oise, Carrières-sous-Poissy in the Yvelines or Autun in Saône-et-Loire. For many, this monetary requirement is a shock. Marriage, often perceived as a moment of accessible celebration, suddenly becomes an expensive affair, in addition to the costs devoted to providers and the organization of marriage.
Thus, the reactions vary greatly. Some see it as an unfair barrier which could dissuade the less affluent couples to formalize their union. Others speculate on the reasons for this unusual charge, suggesting that this could be a means for town halls to manage the additional cost of their services or finance improvements in holiday rooms, for example. Municipal officials, for their part, find themselves between the hammer and the anvil. They must balance tight budgets while maintaining quality service with citizens.
But, faced with the increase in costs associated with the organization of weddings, some town halls justify this new practice as necessary. In reality, these 1,000 euros are not a simple additional expenditure. It is actually a deposit. The town halls, faced with numerous reservations canceled at the last minute as well as material damage caused during the festivities, decided to request this amount as a guarantee.
“There are also delays during celebrations, sometimes aggressive behavior, annoying parking lots, or even noisy or dangerous processions “said the city of Cannet in a press release. “These overflows are also penalizing for the inhabitants, because it returns a bad image of the city”added the town hall of Carrières-sous-Poissy. This deposit is then returned to couples after the ceremony, provided that everything goes as planned, without late cancellation or damage. What to clear things!