The latest INPS data on women and work leave no room for interpretation. In Italy Women have an employment rate of almost 18 points lower than that of men and when they work they have on average a daily salary of about 20% lower than their colleagues. This depends on various factors including the greatest use of part time among women, the lowest qualification levels and the least use of extraordinary.
“They are still relevant” explains the CIV of the INPS “the conditions of disadvantage of women in our country, in the workplace, familiar and social”. Based on the data referring to 2023, the female employment rate is 52.5%, of 17.9 points lower than that of men. For women, it is more difficult for hiring to be indefinitely with 18% of the total hires compared to 22.6% of those of men. Among the part time workers, women are almost two thirds (64.4%) and have an involuntary part time percentage of three times higher than men (15.6% of employees compared to 5.1% of males).
“In all the economic sectors examined except the draws of minerals from quarries and mines” writes INPS about the private sector “men perceive medium daily incomes superior to women. Specifically In ten sectors on eighteen examined women perceive more than 20% less; In financial and insurance activities, women perceive on average 32.1% less, in scientific and technical activities 35.1% less and in real estate ones 39.9% less “(77.9 euros gross daily against 129.7). The difference is equal to 23.7% in trade, and 16.3% in accommodation and catering services.
The average daily wages in the public sector suffer less the gender gap even if, for health service and universities and research bodies, women have an average paycheck lower than men of almost 20%. As for the level of education, in 2023 women exceeded men both among graduates (52.6%) and among graduates (59.9%), But this superiority in the study path “does not translate into a greater presence in the top positions in the world of work”.
29.4% of employees are “overexplated” compared to the work it does against 25.4% of men and this percentage exceeds 40% between 25 and 34 years. Women – read the report – continue to take care of most of the care work. In 2023, the parental leave days used by women were 14.4 million, against just 2.1 million used by men. The offer of nursery school remains insufficient, with only Umbria, Emilia Romagna and the Aosta Valley that reach or approach the lens of the 45-seats for 100 children 0-2 years.
The gap increases with pensions
The gap continues and increases with pensions, 47% lower than those of men. Women perceive 4,358,170 pension benefits from the employee workers with an average amount of 989 euros lower than almost 48% on average to those of men who receive 3,261,069 treatments with an average of 1,897.8 euros.
The average difference of over 900 euros between the treatments received between men and women takes into account the fact that a part of women has not worked and receives only a pension to the surviving and the longest careers and with higher wages of men. But it must also be considered that these are individual services and not of the entire pension income which in many cases is made up of several services. The data is contained in the gender report presented by the INPS CIV. In the employee employee fund there are 1,845,394 pensions for survivors in force for women and 275,204 for men.
«Although women are numerically superior among the beneficiaries of pensions, being 7.9 million retirements compared to 7.3 million pensioners, the CIV writes, significant differences remain in the amounts paid. In private employee, the average amounts of seniority/anticipated and disability pensions for women are 25.5% respectively (2,350.6euro against 1752.2) and 32% lower than those of men, while in the case of old -age pensions the gap reaches 44.1% “(760.5 euros against 1,359.8).
“These data” concludes the CIV “They are the reflection of a disadvantage that women have in the labor market. Women prevail numerically in old -age pension benefits and survivors. The limited number of women who benefit from the seniority/early retirement pension (only 27% among private employees and 25.5% among self -employed workers) highlights the difficulties of women in reaching the high contribution requirements foreseen, due to the discontinuity that characterizes their work path “.