If employers are raising their feet on recruitments, many sectors are looking to strengthen their workforce this year. Here are the wages offered.
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New year, new job? There will be enough to do in 2025! “If the year 2024 was a rocking point with a brake on employment creations, professional mobility remains at a high level” however “explains explains David Beaurepaire, deputy director of the Hellowork employment platform. Resignations, end of trial period … employers are always looking for new arm pairs To fill their lack of workforce. And this, despite an uncertain economic and political environment, in particular the fault of the dissolution of the National Assembly in June.
In this context, Hellowork publishes this Friday, January 10, its barometer* annual who lists 10 stable jobs most sought after by recruiters. Understand: those for which the volume of CDI offers was the highest in 2024. To leave nothing to chance, the platform also offers a remuneration simulator, a practical tool to give you an idea of your future pay slip.
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27,300 euros gross for a maintenance technician in the industry
So what sectors are on the rise? There production and the maintenance War the gold medal, with around 600,000 job offers, or 15% of CDI offers published in 2024. Health and social follows them, with almost 14%. High needs that should continue in 2025. Note that the “Nursery is also the most sought after second on Hellowork.com, just behind the industrial maintenance technician”specifies the barometer.
If you want to put the odds on your side to find a stable job in 2025, you can turn to this job as industrial technicianwhose median salary is 27,300 euros gross per year. In other words, half of the employees in this position earn more, while the other half wins less. But keep in mind that these salary levels will logically depend on your experience. At the start of his career, a junior profile can hope between 21,840 and 23,660 euros gross (a net monthly salary between 1,448 and 1,569 euros). Confirmed technicians see their remuneration climb up to 33,600 euros gross per year, or a remuneration of 2,228 euros net per month. And for those who prefer office jobs, rest assured: payroll managers and accounting assistants There are also a good place among the most sought after professions. On the salary side, they display respective annual remuneration of 31,000 euros and 26,000 euros gross.
*This survey was carried out on the basis of 4,949,880 CDI offers published on the HELLOWORK.COM platform between January 1 and December 31, 2024.
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