For several years, this unique and well-thought-out service has been taking over ready-to-wear labels. The Zara brand itself launched itself onto the market; even if we don’t hear much about it. Enough to do our wallet good and save us a few euros in these complicated times!
If this service offered by Zara is revolutionary for its world, it will certainly change the lives of fashion designers looking for good deals; it actually doesn’t date from yesterday. Shortage of materials requires; during the Second World War, the British government encouraged its citizens to “Make do and beg” parts of their locker room. Through a number of advertising campaigns, the English are urged to “repair and reuse the clothes” they own rather than acquiring new ones.
In the same vein, a year ago, Zara launched its service “Zara Pre-owned” in France, which focuses on circular fashion with – among other things – a “repair” section which may well please you. The goal? Offer consumers the opportunity to retouch and/or repair all their favorite pieces that have been damaged over time. But if the intention displayed by the ready-to-wear giant is to engage in an eco-responsible approach, individuals are also adopting this functionality for budgetary reasons. In fact, it can save hundreds of euros each year!
@zara Repair, resell or donate with Zara Pre-owned, our circular platform to extend the life of your used clothes. Available in selected European countries, new markets coming soon! #zara
original sound – ZARA
Rather than throwing away damaged clothing, simply have it repaired. Let’s take the case of a lost button. Let’s imagine that the piece in question was created by Zara and equipped with an original button, difficult to find in haberdashery. Before the birth of this “repair” feature, our options were limited: either we removed all the buttons and replaced them with others, or we left the lost button as is and never replaced it, or we condemned the said garment to oblivion.
These unaccommodating alternatives complicated our lives, pushed us into waste and/or made us lose the money we had invested. Just for a cheap coat, it was the equivalent of a hundred euros thrown away! With Zara Pre-Owned, it is now possible to have it repaired for 3 euros each: the button in question will probably be available in the brand’s repair workshops. This represents a saving of 36.95 euros for the cheapest coat of the Iberian label (which costs 39.95 euros). We’ll let you imagine the savings made for the brand’s most expensive coat…
And for those who imagine that the maneuver is complicated, it is not at all in reality: you just have to go to the nearest Zara store, describe your needs, and drop off the item of clothing you want. want to repair. Once the editing is complete, the team will contact you to collect it. The service is also available online.
In addition to button repairs, the brand offers zipper replacements, seam repairs with or without lining, repairs of holes and tears… Those who love discounts will be delighted to know that they can also benefit from the ” repair bonus”. It can represent almost 15 euros less on the initial price of the procedure. Enough to reduce their bill even more!