“Ladies and gentlemen”, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella questioned himself, meeting the victims of Hiroshima and Nagazaki in Japan, “it is necessary to question today. The drama that consumed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki sounds enough as a reference to consciences on the self -destructive capacity that humanity has generated? At eighty years later, those two blinding flashes, those two unimaginable shock waves, still constitute an intangible warning today, the fulcrum of a felt consciousness? “.
“The atrocity of those two moments”, he recalled, before clearly affirming his warning so that that lesson should not be lost in the present, “the terrible consequences of the radiation, contributed to forming international consent around a moral imperative: that the atomic bomb should never be used again. From that horror he drew the debate on disarmament. The Non Proliferation Treaty of 1968, still today architraves of international life, crystallizes a commitment that each state has made the duty to honor. Yet, today, the architecture of disarmament and the same non -proliferation of weapons of mass destruction appears undermined by irresponsible rhetorical conflict, when not by the conflicts underway. Threats of use of nuclear devices are pronounced with disturbing recklessness. The destinies of humanity are at stake. Fundamental treaties are hindered or abandoned. It even vaguely wanders to “arm” the extra atmospheric space, subtracting it from peaceful cooperation for the benefit of all “.
With calm but clear words, the head of state, expresses all his concern also for the attitude of Russia from which he has been several times for his public interventions heavily personally attacked in an unprecedented way: “The nuclear taboo – pillar in international relations for decades – is eroded, advertising the existence of armaments Atomics of which the so -called “limited”, controllable, allegedly circumscribed to individual theaters of operations is underlined and, therefore, implicitly suggesting their acceptability in the field of wars that would pretend to be local. The Russian Federation, in particular, was promoting a renewed and dangerous nuclear narrative, to which are added the blocking of the work of the non -proliferation treaty, the withdrawal from the ratification of the Treaty on the total notice of nuclear experiments and the threats aimed at Ukraine, instilling the unacceptable idea that nuclear devices can become an ordinary tool in the management of conflicts to total destruction. The Italian Republic firmly condemns these dangerous drifts.
“It is necessary to reiterate, with unequivocal determination, “says Mattarella,” that a nuclear war cannot be won by anyone and must never be fought. The nuclear powers, especially those that sit as permanent members in the United Nations Security Council, cannot exempt themselves from respecting the obligations they have contributed to define. The strategic dialogue has, so far, avoided a new nuclear holocaust. It should be prevented that the logic of the clash will lead to take forgiveness of forgery only of unspeakable suffering, mourning, destruction. The threats are multiplying, with the development of arsenals whose only justification appears to be that of aggression and domination and not of defense. In this area of the world that has thus suffered, the attitude of North Korea appears unforgivable. Pyongyang must immediately abandon his atomic and missile program, and engage in the path of the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. At the end of a disastrous war, of which they were unfortunately co -responsible, Japan and Italy have been able to contribute to the reconstruction of an international order based on shared and valid rules for everyone, to protect peace, stability and, therefore, also of economic and social development. It is not imaginable to be, today, co -responsible for a return to criteria of imperialistic clashes that contradict the tiring journey made by humanity in the last eighties. Together we are called to support our civilizations and the systems that have allowed them to recover and grow ».