In 2021, an official was paid on average 2,431 euros net per month. But some public officials are much better remunerated.
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THE public service no longer attracts as much as before. According to Emmanuelle Prouet, project manager of the report “Working in the public service: the challenge of attractiveness” published in last Decemberthe situation would even become critical. During a webinar organized this Thursday, March 5, she recalled some alarming figures: “”15% Competition positions in the State Public Service do not find takers And 21% of AP-HP beds were still closed in 2022 ”, personnelin 70% of cases. In local authorities, the report is just as alarming: “Two thirds of local structures are struggling to recruit ”, Especially on technical positions or services to the population.
In question? “A Image of the Public Service considered aging “ and remuneration often perceived as unattractive. According to a BVA survey for the Casden Banque Populaire published in 2023, two thirds of public officials believe they are being poorly paid. But beware, this observation does not apply to everyone. Because if the majority of officials denounce too low wages, some may count on particularly comfortable remuneration. This is what the Dataviz of INSEE reveals, based on the income of agents in 2021.
Management functions benefit from the best wages
Unsurprisingly, these are the senior officials of the public service who win the bet. At the top of the ranking, we find the 15,050 management staff, all sides of the public service (State, territorial and hospital). With no less than 6,500 euros Net per month in 2021, this makes them the best remunerated officials. A pay that lives up to their heavy responsibilities. Just behind, we find the Hospital doctors exercising exclusively in the public. On average, their net monthly treatment rose to 6,000 euros in 2021. But high income in the public service are not limited to the medical and scientific sector, on the contrary. THE Tax public officials are also one of the well -paid officials. Tax inspectors and category A agents of the public treasury and customs thus receive an average of 3,900 euros net per month.
Conversely, many public service agents must be satisfied with more modest remuneration. There territorial public service is the most badly lotie, with an average salary of 2,039 euros net per month in 2021, against 2,590 euros in the hospital public service (FPH) and 2,688 euros in the State Public Service (FPE). Some agents even flirt with the minimum wage. Supervisors and aid-educators of National Education received an average of 1,300 euros net per month in 2021. An amount barely higher than the minimum wage of the time, which oscillated between 1,229 euros on January 1 and 1,257 euros net on October 1, 2021.
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