Kendji Girac has experienced immense success in his career for over 10 years. But during a trip abroad, the singer experienced a scary accident that almost cost him one of his musician fingers …
Revealed in The Voice Over 10 years ago, Kendji Girac accumulates successful tubes: Color Gitano,, Mama’s eyes,, Cool. But the 28 -year -old also experienced a mishap who almost cost him his finger, as he reported in an interview for Topito.
Kendji Girac: his potentially fatal injury … “a big stroke”
The artist’s astounding story begins in an idyllic setting in Mauritius. In his interview for TopitoKendji Girac described his first day on this African island as being ideal: “The beautiful water, the sun … people had even made a barbecue on the boat“The next day, the singer started a new adventure, he begins to test the underwater diving.
Once in the water, Kendji Girac explained that he was amazed. “”I was taken by the seabed, I was observing everything with my diving mask. And there, I saw a beautiful, incredible fish “. But the 1.72m artist was too close, and he got his finger sting through the fish. “”I felt that it made me a big power“, He said, remembering the pain that the sea animal inflicted on him. So he got out of the water, suffered his bloody wound and spoke to his friends. The latter immediately retorted to him:”Come, we take you to the hospital!“”
Kendji Girac, desperate: “He cut my finger”
At the start, Kendji Girac refused to go to the hospital, but the pain intensified. “”I feel this pain getting in my arm, and I couldn’t move my hand anymore“With his friends, he went to the reception to find the nearest hospital. But the receptionist, who knows Mauritius well, asked him to describe the fish.”It is red, with feathers, like a flying fish!“Said Kendji Girac whose skin had become pale. The receptionist immediately identified the animal:”It’s the lion fish“, A poisonous and potentially deadly fish. But Kendji Girac has disillusioned even more:”They say that there is no hospital for that, no drugs for this fish“He revealed.
Panicked, Kendji Girac and his friends sought a solution and found a last hope with a man who put boats on the beach. The little troop of friends then explained the situation and the man led them “In a man alone in a little hut“Said Kendji Girac. There he had an improbable experience:”He took my finger and cut my finger ‘older‘. “He continues:”He took me all the blood from the arm.“This amazing method allowed the singer to get rid of the poison that made him suffer.