You have surely never thought about it, and yet, by consuming the skin of this fruit, you will quickly promote your weight loss.
To achieve your slimming goals, your diet plays an essential role. The more healthy and varied you will eat, the more likely you are to lose the little pounds that spoil your life. But remember, pay attention to what you eat, does not mean depriving yourself by jumping meals for example. On the contrary, to keep the line, it is essential to put everything on your plate. Proteins, starchy foods, but also vegetables and fruits. Precisely, among the most popular fruits for their benefits, there is one that stands out thanks to its richness in vitamins and fiber. But did you know that his skin, often neglected, can also be a real slimming asset?
Rich in nutrients and low in calories, this fruit can be very useful for those who seek to lose weight. Depending on its variety, its flesh can be both acidic and sweet. In snacks, it can therefore be perfectly effective to naturally satisfy a desire for sweet. But concretely, what fruit are we talking about? Kiwi, of course! Indeed, this superfruit must absolutely be part of your shopping basket if you want to lose weight. And to make the most of its benefits, be sure to consume it properly. How ? Quite simply by not peeling it and consuming its skin.
Kiwi’s skin contains three times more fibers than the flesh of the fruit. The fibers are essential for digestion, because they slow down the absorption of sugars and prolong the feeling of satiety. “If you taste the skin of the kiwi, you will get even more fiber and nutrients. This skin contains actinidine, an enzyme that facilitates protein digestion and provides a feeling of increased satiety”, Specifies Chris Mohr, dietitian and sports coach, to the magazine Woman’s World. By integrating it into your diet, you can naturally reduce your calorie intake while avoiding cravings. Thanks to its vitamin C and antioxidant content, Kiwi also boosts metabolism and allows the body to burn more calories, even at rest.
If the idea of eating the hairy skin of the kiwi does not put you too much, here is how to eat this delicious fruit well. First, prefer organic kiwis and don’t forget to wash them carefully by rubbing them underwater. So that the texture of the skin does not disgust you, mix it with the flesh to make it a smoothie for example. Then, opt for smooth skin varieties like the yellow kiwi which has very thin and less hairy skin. Here, all you have to do is bite into the kiwi to the full teeth!