Sometimes some babies do not sleep before 10 p.m. How to help him find the right sleep rhythm and make it go to bed earlier? The advice of Sandra Menoni, specialist in baby sleep.
Everyone sleeps at night and is active on the day, that’s what we call the circadian rhythm. This one is not a mate at birth, it is therefore perfectly normal that The newborn cannot distinguish day and night. Light has a major interest in the internal clock, because it allows you to have long activity phases during the day and a restful sleep at night. But how do you go to sleep too late at night?
First of all, it must be understood that a late fall asleep can also be due to an excess of fatigue: the child is too tired because the nights are bad and the naps too short. The day, the child produces cortisol, hormone of awakening and stress. “”When it is tired, the brain releases more cortisol who will come to give an additional boost to the child and hide his signs of fatigue. At the end of the day, where cortisol should drop to make way for melatonin, the two hormones come into conflict: the cortisol says “I am too tired, but I can’t turn off my awakening system” and the melatonin cannot make the child let go. It is then essential to accompany the child to sleep, because he is too tired to find sleep alone “, explains Sandra Menoni, founder of the Night of the Little, specialist in the child’s sleep from 0 to 6 years old. Among the older ones, late fall asleep can be linked to blue lights. This is the reason why it is recommended not to put the children in front of the screens at least 2 hours before bedtime to facilitate falling asleep.
“A child who falls asleep too late at night is a child who wakes up too late in the morning, Which means that his time of awakening between the moment when he wakes up in the morning and the moment when we would like to sleep is too short “. On average, this moment lasts 13 hours. In other words, A child who rises at 7 a.m. and sets between 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. with one or two naps, it is ideal for a 1 year old child. “”If the child goes to bed around 10:30 p.m./11 p.m. while he wakes up around 9 a.m. Develops Sandra Menoni.
Another parameter that can impact sleep asleep: the number of naps. “”A child who makes two naps while starting his transition to a nap indicates that the pace is to be reviewed. It is important to keep the child awake and not let him fall asleep at 5.30 p.m. because it comes to delay sleeping asleep“”explains our interlocutor.