The arrival of spring is a good time to make a birch sap cure. It detoxifies the skin, the liver, the kidneys … instructions and contraindications to know.
The harvest of the birch sap begins in March. This sap can be used as a treatment to detoxify your liver, if you suffer from drop, water retention … We also talk about birch water, it’s the same thing. Benefits and practical advice if we want to embark on a birch sap cure with Victoria Renaud-Fughali, advisor specializing in phytotherapy and leader of the Millymenthe herbalism.
When to make a birch sap cure?
“Between winter and spring, this is the moment when sap rises for birch and all large trees in general. Birch sap is harvested, depending on the years, between March 15 and April 15, which explains that it is seen everywhere in the stores during this period, replies Victoria Renaud-Fughali. The sap is directly harvested in birch. The producers and craftsmen pierce the bark of the tree, put a pipe and harvests the sap, which makes it a raw product.
What are the benefits of birch sap?
Detox. “The first axis of the birch sap is the detox, indicates the specialist. It will drain the emunctories that are the kidneys, the lungs, the liver, the blood and the skin. And as we are at the change of season, it also cleans winter toxins.” Moreover “Birch sap is one of the only detox cures that does not tire because it is rich in minerals and trace elements. Suddenly it stimulates at the same time as it detoxifies”.
“During a detox treatment, we follow a diet rich in vitamins, we avoid too fatty, too sweet”
Remineralizing. Birch sap is rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamins, in particular vitamins B. “It remineralizes the joints, strengthens and rehydrates muscles for athletes, convalescence and elderly.”
Drop. “For people who have cholesterol or attacks of drops, it has an anti-inflammatory side and drains the liver and uric acid of the organism.”
To lose weight. “Birch sap serves as a” starter “for weight loss by cleaning the liver of toxins. In herbalism We recommend this cleaning of the liver to put everything to zero.” The birch sap is very little caloric since it consists of 99 % of water. By draining the organism, it also plays positively on water retention and cellulite.
Skin, hair. “It can also be used as an external cure for example in hair lotion for scalp problems as in the event of recalcitrant dandruff, healing on atopic, sensitive skin, and in case of acne.”
The birch sap, also called “birch water” is marketed in France under two ways: fresh sap or stabilized sap. You can make a treatment of one or the other.
Fresh sap treatment. “The fresh sap is collected by craftsmen, kept in the refrigerator and consumed within 3 to 4 weeks maximum”, Inform Victoria Renaud-Fughali. Its marketing time is thus very short. “At the beginning the taste of the sap is neutral and the more time passes, the more there is a fermentation, the more the taste becomes particular so it is advised to put lemon” specifies our interlocutor. Note, however, that the more the sap ferments, the more it deploys its active ingredients. So if the taste is not good, its benefits are maximum!
Dose: make a cure of 3 three weeks (minimum 10 days) by taking between 150 ml and 250 ml on an empty stomach in birch sap before breakfast.
Stabilized birch sap cure, “This sap is stabilized with lemon juice, plant buds and a little vegetable alcohol to stabilize the fermentation of the sap” explains the specialist. The advantage is that it can be kept longer and can be consumed all year round without the need to be charged. “It has the same virtues as fresh sap with a little less action and active ingredients since fermentation is no longer the same” underlines Victoria Renaud-Fughali.
Dose: Make a cure of 3 three weeks (minimum 10 days) by pouring 3 traffic jams in a liter of water that you drink throughout the day.
How long for a birch sap treatment?
Our interlocutor recommends making a birch sap treatment for a maximum of 3 weeks (and for at least 10 days).
What are the contraindications of a birch sap treatment?
► “You have to be careful with people allergic to salicylated derivatives, warns Victoria Renaud-Fughali. Birch is a fairly allergenic tree. Its active ingredient can lead to respiratory and skin allergies. “ Generally, people allergic at birch know it and should therefore avoid drinking your sap.
► “If we take large specific treatments or suffer from important renal pathologies, we avoid birch sap because it is a strong drainer who cleanses and which can potentially remove the active ingredients of drugs and make the kidneys work too much.” This is the case for example for people under chemotherapy. “They can take birch sap after to clean and drain the emunctories, but during we avoid or ask for a medical advice before.”
► Pregnant and lactating women should not make drainage so do not take birch sap. Even more so if it is pasteurized which contains a little alcohol. Finally, birch sap cures are not recommended in children.
In France, the birch sap is available in organic stores, herbalism and some small local farms. “You have to choose organic sap and ensure that it comes from France, recommends our interlocutor. Some come from Asian countries where birch treatment standards are not the same, it would be a shame to make a cure of treated sève. “
What is the price of birch sap?
It takes about 40 euros for 3 liters of fresh birch sèves and around 30 euros per 500 ml in its stabilized form. This allows you to take a three -week treatment.