In three steps very easy to apply, this method is highly effective in making room at home and not only.
Few are those who are delighted with the idea of emptying, sorting and putting away their house. However, it is sometimes enough for a small chaos so that everything changes. You are frantically looking for an object in a poorly tidy drawer, you leave some things dragged and, without realizing it, the disorder extends. This is where the organization becomes essential. What if you adopt a method that not only puts order in your home, but also in your mind?
It is a ritual, practiced in Japan for centuries, based on a simple philosophy: by cleaning your space, you also clean your mind. A balance between physical order and mental clarity, essential to face seasonal changes or the main stages of life. Indeed, experts agree that physical disorder can be a source of stress and anxiety. When objects accumulate, they create a feeling of mental overload. Conversely, getting rid of what is useless or bulky allows you to find a feeling of control and lightness. Laura Palomares, psychologist, explains: “Having a clear and ordered space generates a feeling of calm and concentration. Letting go on superfluous objects can be liberating and helping us refocus on the essentials.”
This Japanese approach then transforms cleaning into a meditative practice. Each sorted object, each cleansed surface represents an opportunity to think about what really matters. As Shoukei Matsumoto, Buddhist monk and author of the book points out In Monk’s Guide to Clean House and Mind,, “Cleaning is not just a household task, it is a way of purifying the mind and finding inner harmony.” Traditionally, this ritual is carried out at the end of the year to mark a symbolic rupture between the old and the new. But nothing prevents you from adopting it at other periods. A change of season, a new personal step or even a simple desire for renewal can be ideal triggers.
This ritual has a name: Oosouji. In Japanese, it means “big cleaning”. To apply it, start by opening your windows in large. Let the fresh air circulate, purifying the atmosphere of your home. Then attack the rooms one by one, progressing from the back of the house to the entrance. This method has a symbolic significance: you hunt disorder to make room for new energies. Then, each piece of furniture, each drawer must be emptied. Take the time to assess each object: is it still useful? Does he bring you joy? If the answer is no, it’s time to say goodbye.
Finally, carefully clean each corner, following a movement from top to bottom and clockwise to symbolize a complete circle. The ideal opportunity to go back on good bases and welcome the released spirit and the row house!