To lose weight, you still need to know what foods favor. Here are the ones you should always have in your fridge according to nutritionists.
The basis for healthy and durable weight loss is undoubtedly a good diet. So, you surely know that it is better to eat green vegetables and fruits, but which ones precisely? It is not always easy to know which foods favor when shopping. The choice is varied, the tastes just as much … To help you, nutrition professionals have looked into the issue and have revealed the healthiest foods in the world in the columns of the magazine Eatthis, Notthat!.
To get rid of the little pounds that spoil your life, think about what you eat. The idea is not to deprive yourself and eat less, but rather to eat better. For your health, it is essential to consume all types of food and continue to please yourself. But, in the supermarket, you often wonder what vegetables to favor, which snacks put in your basket … Nutritionists have therefore revealed the 40 healthiest foods in the world. Among them, here are 5 that will help you achieve your slimming goal. To do this, simply integrate them into your daily diet.
The cucumber
“Cucumber is a delicious and light way to hydrate the body and reconstruct its daily vitamins. In fact, it is the solid food that contains the most water, 95% exactly”explains Lisa Hayim, approved dietician. By adding it to your daily meal, you will help your body remain hydrated and detoxified thanks to its diuretic and draining benefits. It is one of the least calorie foods, making it ideal in the context of food rebalancing.
If you had to keep only one, that would be this one! The lawyer is a healthy food that lends itself perfectly to a diet. Even if it is a calorie fruit, it is full of benefits and in particular healthy fats, “An essential element of your diet “explains Aislinn Crovak, dietician based in New York. It is an excellent fiber intake also making it a very full food. Thanks to him, you will avoid the small hollows during the day. At breakfast, prefer to consume nature, without adding additional fat, accompanied by eggs on the dish for example.
Greek yogurt,
It is good thanks to its content of probiotics, protein and calcium. Thanks to probiotics, you keep a healthy intestine and promote a flat stomach. “Greek yogurt is also very rich in protein, which helps maintain your muscle mass as you get older and gives you maximum energy“, says Dr. Sonali Ruder. An ally loss of weight to consume every day.
Goji berries
According to the dietician, Lisa Hayim, a recent study has shown that Goji berries could even play a role in weight loss. Indeed, “Overweight adults were divided into two groups: one consuming goji berry juice and the other receiving a placebo. The study results showed that in just two weeks, the group having consumed Goji bay juice had seen its size diminished compared to the group that received the placebo.” Rich in fiber and chrome, this dry fruit limits the desires of sugars while its ilow glycemic ndex Also makes it very satisfying.
Chickpea pasta
If you like traditional pasta, here is an alternative based on chickpeas much less rich in carbohydrates. “Unlike conventional pasta, chickpea pasta are made from beans”underlines the dietician. Before adding “This allows you to feel satisfied more quickly, to avoid having to eat too much and thus, to gain weight.” By consuming them, you ensure a faster feeling of satiety, essential to carry out your slimming goal.