Especially left -handed women.
Around the world and in France, 90% of people are right -handed and only 10% are left -handed. Being right -handed or left -handed is a characteristic determined by genetic predisposition and still obscure environmental factors. Scientists do not explain why there are much more right -handers than left -handers on earth. On the other hand, they know that there are several physiological and psychological differences between them.
Already, the structure of their brain is not identical. In right -handers, the left hemisphere of the brain (the one who controls the right hand) is a little more developed, that is why they are able to perform precision gestures with the right side. In left -handers, it is the opposite: the right cerebral hemisphere (the one who controls the left hand) is a little more developed, which makes their gestures made with the left hand more precise. They would also present different qualities and capacities.
Researchers have passed a series of graphic and verbal tests (torus tests, well known in psychology) to 192 participants (96 left -handers, 96 right -handers). They showed that left -handers were more creative and inventive than right -handers, especially left -handed women. The explanation put forward by researchers in their study is simple: “Lefts, who have always faced a world designed for right -handers, would be led to make adjustments that could promote their power of creation and their imagination.“” Furthermore, the right cerebral hemisphere is attributed (as said previously, more developed in left -handers) The artistic, emotional and intuitive functions and faculties, while the left hemisphere would be more associated with a rather logical and analytical functioning.
Of course, these results must be taken with tweezers. This does not mean that right -handers are less talented than left -handed, but that these brain differences suggest significant skills in creative and artistic fields. This is why it is not surprising to see that the left-handers are overrepresented among the painters (Léonard de Vinci, Michelangelo), musicians (Mozart, Lady Gaga, Iggy Pop, Paul McCartney …), filmmakers (James Cameron, Charlie Chaplin, Christopher Nolan …) or writers (Lewis Carroll, Paul Verlaine …).