With the deposition, at the Supreme Court of Cassation in Rome, on February 12, the process of the proposed popular initiative bill was officially started “Guglielmo Minervini – generational shares in institutions”.
The bill bears the name of Guglielmo Minervini, mayor of Molfetta from 1994 to 2001 and regional councilor from 2005 until the disappearance, on August 2, 2016. A man from the institutions, collaborator of Don Tonino Bello, moderate and radical, appreciated by everyone, without political distinctions, for his “generative policy”.
He was a great innovator and administrator of the public affairs who revolutionized the youth policy sector in Italy and made as a model in Europe.
Now, the task of the promoting committee is the collection of 50 thousand necessary signatures, which should arrive quickly, with the aim of submitting the bill in the shortest possible time to Parliament, In order to create legislation that meets the needs of future generations. In recent years, in fact, the detachment between young people and politics has become an increasingly evident phenomenon. The difficulties in perceiving a real change through the vote, the lack of representation of their instances and a general distrust towards the institutions have generated a sense of apathy and selfless. This disenchantment has brought many people, especially among the youngest, to feel excluded from the public debate and the decisions that affect their daily life.
The proposal of a law of popular initiative “Guglielmo Minervini – Generational shares in the institutions” aims to encourage greater participation of young people in politics through a series of concrete measures As, for example, the introduction of the minimum representation shares for the different generations, ensuring that young people have an adequate space of participation in decision -making places and that public policies respond more balanced and inclusive to the needs of all age groups.
The initiative aims to overcome the intergenerational gap that still limits the access of young people to professional and social growth opportunities, encouraging a constructive dialogue between the various generations. The Promoting Committee is led by the “Guglielmo Minervini Association”, represented by Maria Turtur Minervini, And young people, activists and administrators, are part of this, including Cagliari Matteo Lecis Cocco Ortu and Salento mayors Giacomo Cazzato and Dina Manti.