The statue of the Virgin of Revelation in the Grotto del Sanctuary at the Tre Fontane in Rome
“I thank you for the affection, the prayer and the proximity to which you are accompanying me these daysjust as I would like to thank the doctors and health workers of this hospital for their concern: they do a precious and tiring job, let’s support them with prayer! », He wanted to let it know Francis in the message for the Angelus of 16 February last, who was unable to pronounce for hospitalization, two days earlier, at the Gemelli Polyclinic, where he was diagnosed with one bilateral lungcomplex pathology especially for a patient of his age and with the removal of part of a lung in his youth behind him. The conclusion of the same text prepared by the Pontiffwhich should also have presided over the implementation of the artists and visiting Cinecittà (it would have been the first time of a pontiff to the Roman film plants), once again confirms its heated Marian devotion: “Let’s entrust ourselves to Mary, the” full of grace “, because we help us like her singers and architects of beauty that saves the world”. And precisely towards the mother of the Church, so loved by the Pope, most of the prayers converge, raised all over the world, for his health: Rosaries, vigils, Eucharistic Adorations, No-Stop Orante Chains on the web. In Rome, many went to collect at oration in front of the Gemelli to feel closer to the pontiff, then leaving crowns, or bright lights. Among the many support messages delivered to the Holy Father in the hospital, the affectionate drawings of children. The Marian prayers multiplied when the press releases on a series of hearings and official commitments of last week were released by the Holy See, canceled for the prolongation of hospitalization. In Rome, the Mariano Sanctuary at the three fountainsalong the Laurentina, of which Rector Monsignor Renato Tarantelli Baccari, the new deputygente of the Capitoline diocese, was rector, to whose episcopal ordination Francesco wanted to attend on January 4 in San Giovanni in Laterano, he was particularly active in prayer for Francesco, as confirmed to Maria with you the Sisters of the Divine Revelationreligious congregation born thanks to the charism of this place of high spirituality. “As soon as we learned that the Pope was suffering from a” polybery “respiratory infection, Our prayer for him has doubled», Sister Benedetta Maria Coco says, which speaks to us on behalf of her community. “Bruno Cornacchiola, to whom the Virgin appeared on April 12, 1947here in the Grotta di Tre Fontane in Rome, he intended to Kill Pope Pius XII with a dagger. His conversion following the apparition of the Madonna who spurred him to “Return to the flock” He made a blessed center of prayer for the head of the Church, successor of Peter, “he explains. Guided by Sister Rebecca Nazzaro, their superior general, since the last autumn director of the Roman work Pilgrimages and the diocesan office of the pastoral care of the pilgrimage, the nuns of the divine revelation lead a vast network of friends in the prayer, starting with the plea at the Virgin of Revelation, asking her in particular the protection of the Bishop of Rome. “Holy virgin of the revelation, which you are in the divine Trinity (…) grant the Church and the head of it, the Roman Pontiff, the joy of seeing the conversion of his enemies, the propagation of the kingdom of God on the whole earth, the unity of believers in Christ, the peace of the nations, so that we can better love you and serve you in this life and deserve to come one day and thank you eternally, this prayer. «The prayer of the plea invites believers to turn to the Virgin Mary as an intermediary trusted between them and God. For this he adapts well to the Pope’s hospitalization, for which the whole Church is suffering»Summadetta underlines. His community, like millions of faithful all over the world, recalls the Holy Father in the daily performance of the Rosary. But there, in the cave where he appeared, saving the life of the Pontiff of the time, with the face turned towards the statue that depicts it as he saw it Cornacchiola, with the green mantle and the Gospel in hand, the sweet and maternal gaze, this prayer seems to take on a particular force …