Specificers, deliverers, technicians … There are many strangers likely to knock at home. And although you sometimes hesitate to honor these fortuitous visits, the police are categorical: for your safety, answer!
When the doorbell sounds, some prefer to remain motionless without making a noise, claiming that there is no one in the accommodation. Do not want to be disturbed, fear of a driver or simple distrust of the unknown? The reasons vary. However, Randall Arsenault, a Canadian policeman, sounded the alarm on this subject, in a video that quickly made the buzz on Tiktok. According to him, ignoring an unknown visitor can put you in a potentially dangerous situation and its warning is clear: “Never pretend not to be at home.”
Indeed, the priority of most burglars is to discreetly enter an empty house, hoping to be able to steal what they can. Their method is well known: ring at the door to check if someone is present. If no one responds, they assume that the house is unoccupied and take action. In his video message, the policeman actually describes this recurring scenario: “Two minutes later, they smash your door. It is a break -in in broad daylight, it happens all the time … They enter your home, they panic, they do not expect someone to be there and it could end badly”.
However, if ignoring visitors is a reflex to ban, that does not mean that it should be opened to everyone. The important thing is to report his presence, without necessarily exposing himself. Randall Arsenault offers, for this, several effective alternatives to dissuade potential burglars. First option: speak out loud, walk loudly or shout a simple “I’m coming !“You can also pretend to be on the phone or, if you live alone, simulate a call to a loved one to give the impression that you are not isolated. Finally, take a look from a window or a Judas and let the person leave if they seem suspicious.
The goal is to discourage intruders by making them understand that it would be too risky for them to try something. You will understand, even if you are alone, adopt a confident attitude and avoid being silent.