Father Stefano Luca introduces one of the panels at the Abrahamic Family House
Father Stefano Luca, rector of the church of San Francesco at the Abuhamic Family House in Abu Dhabi is the director of the office for the interreligious and ecumenical dialogue of the apostolic vicariate of Southern Arabia Abu Dhabi as well as the creator of the first edition of the “Training and sharing in the context of the document on human brotherhood and its receptions/resonances”. An event that involved 15 delegates of the Italian Episcopal Conference, in Abu Dhabi from 8 to 12 February.
A unique training opportunity, how did the idea come about?
«Ever since I arrived in the Emirates I have started to think how it would be nice to be able to share with those who work as regional persons for ecumenism and interreligious dialogue a reality as unique as the one we experience in the Emirates. The path of coexistence and the culture of dialogue that are incarnate here are really interesting and stimulating. Since before leaving for the mission in the Gulf, I was consultant for five years for relations with Muslims at the CEI, I imagined this proposal for training for the office for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue (UNEDI), directed by Don Giuliano Savina “.
In practice, what was the proposal?
«A half day of theoretical training at the Church of San Francesco, and half a day of visits of religious places. With a double intent: deepen the Catholic theological understanding of the document Human brotherhood And to make his receptions experience in the apostolic vicariate of southern Arabia ».

Abu Dhabi’s Abrahamic Family House, consisting of four founding places: the church, the mosque, the synagogue and a forum used for the meetings.
How many people participated?
“Fifteen regional persons from eleven ecclesiastical regions of the CEI and five delegates of the apostolic vicariate of southern Arabia. We met experts and theologians including the Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, Bishop Paolo Martinelli, and the president of the Commission for Ecumenism and Dialogue of the CEI, the Bishop Derium Olivero “.
What are the topics covered?
«We compared the pastoral care of the dialogue in the two respective offices, that of the Vicariate and that of the CEI, to understand and ask ourselves about the objectives and theological perspectives of the two offices. Then we reflected on migrations and how the face of the Church redesign. Still, we have deepened the manifesto of theology from the Mediterranean and discovered the history of the Catholic Church in the Gulf region, presenting what I call the new frontier of interreligious dialogue: the “theology of differences”. Finally, a day dedicated to ecumenical dialogue with the Archbishop Armenian Orthodox Mesrob Sarkissian and the executive director and the head of the Religious Affairs Office of the Abrahamic Family House, to understand the vision that the country has of peaceful coexistence and interreligious dialogue “.
What places have inspired you?
«First of all, the four founders the Abrahamic Family House: the church of San Francesco, the Synagogue Moses Maimonide, the mosque his eminence Ahmed al-Tayyeb and the forum used for meetings and interreligious workshops. Then we visited a Sikh temple, a pair of Hindu temples, a Greek Orthodox church, a Coptic, an Anglican and the great Mosque of Sheikh Zayed. During these visits we have always had the opportunity to meet and dialogue with religious managers, giving experience on the ground of the best practices of coexistence and dialogue of the Emirates ».

The participants in the Coptic Church of Dubai
What turned Pope Francis, on the theme of human brotherhood?
“A radical change, with a view to a meeting that, in the common path towards peace, does not lead to uniformity but to unity. The apostolic journey of the Holy Father and the signature of the Document on human brotherhood for world peace and common coexistence He approached Christianity very much closer to the hearts of the premises. Today it does not pass day without someone asking me how the Pope is: they all feel close. Personally, all the intensity of the document accompanies me a particular thought: “Adopting the culture of dialogue as a way of collaboration” ».
Since then five years have passed, what has changed in the Emirates?
“There was a accelerated of beautiful, friendly relationships, and the possibilities of life of faith in the country. Until a few years ago he felt embarrassed to hang the rosary in the car, he was legal but he felt observed. Today, however, it is normal, sensitivity is changing, catholicity is working here significantly on dialogue. In the Emirates alone, the Church includes a million attending Catholics, of more than 100 different nationalities: a completely vibrant migrant church in which several Catholic rites meet enriching and stimulating itself. In addition to the training week, the most tangible sign is then the Abrahamic Family House, the family of the family: it stands at the center of the Culture District, here in Abu Dhabi, between museums and universities. These are three distinct cult houses that are enriched with the differences ».

The visit to the Cathedral of San Giuseppe
What the fruits from the week of training?
«I am convinced that the program can help to recognize and welcome the differences we have between different religions, without ever overcoming them. Paraphrasing what Pope Francis said on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Human brotherhood document, This formation of ours celebrates unity in differences, unity not uniformity. Walking together is the best way to testify to the world that a life without God loses his humanity, becomes an inhuman life ».
From the Italian delegation, what finds have you had?
«Very good. Bishop Olivero believes it will be essential to tell this formation to all Italian bishops during the next General Assembly of the CEI, to communicate to the other bishops a new gaze of how “to be a church”, how to “be dialogue” and how all this can be important for Italian society “.
So what will the next steps be?
«For our vicariate and the ministry we carry out at the Abrahamic Family House, the desire is now to invite other episcopal conferences to our path of exchange and training: we want to share good practices, experiences and above all grow in the ability to dialogue interreligious and ecumenical. The idea is to repeat the event in a year and a half maximum two ».
Here the videos of the meetings of the Unedi delegates to Abu Dhabi