Grégoire Bonnet, who joined the cast of the series “Household scenes” in 2015, revealed that his role had cost him his marriage! The 58 -year -old actor had to separate from his daughter’s mother …
Grégoire Bonnet, who appears in the casting of the new series of France 2, After nightbroadcast on March 10, is also one of the flagship figures of Household sceneson M6. And if this series allowed her to make herself known to the general public, she had negative consequences on her private life …
Grégoire Bonnet, divorced because of “household scenes”: “It cost me dear …”
A few years ago, the schedule of Grégoire Bonnet, who plays the role of Philippe in the series Household sceneswas so busy that he caused his divorce from Aurélie, mother of her daughter Eglantine. “”I was recurrent in the Nina series and household scenes at the same time then I was in the theater in the evening. It earned me a separation. Sometimes you have to go to the checkout. My career cost me dearly, but it also brought me a lot“He had told the Belgian media Teleproof.
Despite everything, this separation went without “Broken glasses“, as ensured at Gala the one who responds to Amélie Etasse in Household scenes. The old lovebirds remain on very good terms: “We hear ourselves so well that we even go on vacation all three. And not only to please Églantine“. His goal is to”keep the relationship intact“With his ex-wife.”Seeing yourself often, dinner together, is our sine qua no condition“He added.
Grégoire Bonnet found love … but he “lives alone by”
Now, the 58 -year -old actor is again as a couple, with another woman, but he does not live by his side. “”I live alone at half. When you get into the habit of living alone, it’s complicated for men. It’s great to live alone. Being at home Pinard is a luxury“He had explained to Teleproof Before specifying: “I found the right person but we don’t live together because she has children. Me, the children of others, I love them, but there is an involvement, a commitment, a move …. I became Flemmard“. A new way of life that seems to suit him, therefore.